EC2 Instance Store: High-Performance Temporary Storage for Your Workloads

Amazon EC2 Instance Store provides temporary, high-performance block storage for EC2 instances, ideal for caches and buffers. Data persists through reboots.

EC2 Instance Store: High-Performance Temporary Storage for Your Workloads
EC2 Instance Store
  • EC2 Instance Store provides temporary block-level storage for an EC2 instance. EC2 Instance Storage is physically attached to the host server. So, if the hardware fails, there is a risk of data loss.
  • EC2 Instance Store provides better I/O performance, which makes it ideal for applications like buffer storage, scratch storage, cache, and other temporary storage. It is also used to store temporary data that you replicate across a fleet of instances, e.g., a load-balanced pool of web servers.
  • EC2 Instance Store does not carry separate charges; it is part of EC2 instance usage.

Data persistence for Amazon EC2 instance store volumes

  • Instance store volumes are attached only at instance launch. They cannot be detached from one instance to another nor attach the instance after the launch.
  • The data on the instance store persists on reboot of the instance but the data is erased when the instance is stopped, hibernated, terminated.
  • Here are key events that affect data persistence in the instance store to considered to how data behaves in the instance store:


Data condition

Instance Type changed

Does not persist

EBS backed AMI is created from the instance

Does not persist

Instance store backed AMI is created from the instance

Persist. Stored in S3. More information below

OS shutdown event

Does not persist

OS restart


Scheduled Instance Stop

Does not persist

Scheduled Instance Reboot


System Reboot


Instance Retirement

Does not persist

Simplified automatic recovery

Does not persist

CloudWatch action based recovery

Does not persist

Disk Failure

Data on the failed disk does not persist

Power failure

Persist. On reboot

Host failure

Does not persist



  • When creating an instance store-backed AMI, the instance store data is saved in S3. When a new instance is launched from this AMI, the stored data is restored to the instance store.
  • In an Auto Scaling Group, if an instance fails a health check and is replaced, the new instance does not retain any data from the previous instance.

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